Here at Tessmer Law Firm, we understand how important it is to be aware of toxic behavior within relationships. We want to make sure you are equipped with all the tools to spot all the red flags, which is why we are giving you SIX MORE! 1. They Don’t Want to Talk About Their Past […]


Relationships can experience many problems, but some problems are red flags and a warning of something deeper. With over 25 years of practicing family law in San Antonio, Texas, Heather Tessmer has learned to recognize the signs. These are six red flags you should look for in a relationship. 1. The Obsession with Exes If […]

High Asset Divorce

What is a high-asset divorce? Generally, a high asset or high net worth divorce means exactly that: one or both parties have a net worth over a certain threshold. The exact figure varies with opinion, but for us, it is one million dollars ($1,000,000.00). This figure can consist of the total worth of several different […]

The 5 C’s of Co-Parenting

There are few issues as complicated as divorce. The process of legally separating from someone whom you planned to spend your life with is often tenuous at best. These negative feelings, associated with the process, are only amplified when there are children involved. Here at Tessmer Law Firm, we know that the well-being of your […]

Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce

Picking up and starting over after the loss of years or even decades’ worth of plans is the most crushing aspect of divorce.  It’s a change that touches every aspect of your life and can be emotionally devastating.  It is natural to grieve but put conscious effort into moving forward and making this next portion of […]

Experts In A High Asset Divorce

What types of experts could be called in to help with a high-asset divorce? A high-asset divorce can be among the most complex family law matters, so it is important that knowledgeable and qualified experts are consulted to protect your assets, interests, and rights. Forensic accountants, professional appraisers, financial and wealth managers, tax consultants, pension […]

Divorce Mistakes To Avoid: Family Edition

As a firm that practices Family Law, a large number of our cases involve divorce and it is no wonder – the common statistic is that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Divorce can be complex and messy. It can feel like you don’t know what the right thing to do is. That’s why we’ve compiled this guide […]

Why Should I Choose Mediation?

Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution method where a neutral third party, also known as a mediator, helps the disagreeing parties find a mutual resolution to their conflict. The parties communicate through the mediator, allowing the communication to be filtered in the interest of achieving harmony. The role of the attorney in mediation is to […]

Military Benefits in Family Law Cases

military benefits in family law

When one spouse is in the military, a divorce case isn’t as straightforward as those for civilians might be. There are benefits available to military members that must be considered as part of any family law case. Medical Benefits Program The medical benefits program available to active-duty service members, retirees, and family members is called TRICARE. After a divorce, […]

What You Should Know About Child Support in Texas

Child Support in Texas

Four types of child support are available in Texas, any of which can be sought in court and can be brought separately or at the same time.  The four types of child support available in Texas are current child support, medical child support, retroactive child support, and temporary child support. A further break down of […]