Rebuilding Your Life After Divorce

Picking up and starting over after the loss of years or even decades’ worth of plans is the most crushing aspect of divorce.  It’s a change that touches every aspect of your life and can be emotionally devastating.  It is natural to grieve but put conscious effort into moving forward and making this next portion of […]

Experts In A High Asset Divorce

What types of experts could be called in to help with a high-asset divorce? A high-asset divorce can be among the most complex family law matters, so it is important that knowledgeable and qualified experts are consulted to protect your assets, interests, and rights. Forensic accountants, professional appraisers, financial and wealth managers, tax consultants, pension […]

Same-Sex Couples & Estate Planning

Your estate is everything you own – your car, home, bank accounts, life insurance, personal possessions, etc. Some estates are large, some are small, but just about everybody has one. What do all estates have in common? You can’t take it with you when you die. In honor of pride month, we are focusing on […]

Entering Into A Common-Law Marriage

Last week we discussed what a common-law marriage entails, but how do you enter into one? If You Would Like To Enter A Common-Law Marriage You Must Be: over 18; marrying someone of the opposite sex; not related to your future spouse; not currently married. More Requirements When Entering A Common-Law Marriage Nobody under the […]

Tessmer Tips for New Business Startups

Are you an entrepreneur with a dream? If you are considering starting your own business, there are legalities to consider.  For the next two weeks, we will discuss some of the points you may want to think about before you hang that “OPEN” sign. Before you start your business, decide on an ownership structure.  Ownership […]

Someone I Know Is Being Abused

“I think someone I know is being abused.” What has changed? They make excuses for injuries Their personality has changed. They used to be so confident, now they have such low self-esteem They have become reserved and distant They are constantly checking in with their partner They never really have access to money, or money […]

Domestic Violence: Types Of Abuse

More than just physical. Domestic abuse is more than just physical. There can be psychological abuse, physical abuse, sexual abuse (yes, you can be sexually abused and even raped by your significant other), financial abuse, and emotional abuse. Am I being abused? Am I being sexually abused? Rape, attempted rape or sexual assault Inappropriate touching […]

Estate Planning Before, During and After a “Gray” Divorce

Before your divorce, you may have insurance policies, a Will or Power of Attorney that benefit the other spouse, or that names the other spouse as an executor. Before filing for divorce, you may want to make changes. Sometimes changes are prohibited after a divorce is filed, so check with your attorney. You may not […]